Wednesday, February 2, 2022

Tuesday, February 1, 2022

Attention all students, Please remember it is your responsibility to notify your study hall and advisory teachers when you will not be attending their class.  If you are making up a test, getting extra help, attending a club meeting or for any other reason you need to let your regular teacher know before you go anywhere else. Thank you.

Our West Geauga ADL is planning our next project which will address the still persistent racism and prejudices amidst everyday life. This will also be one way we can recognize Black History month. If you are a member of a minority race or religion and are willing to share about your experience, we want to hear your voice. Our goal here is for West G to be a more educated, understanding, and inclusive place.


The ADL is collecting statements which will be anonymous unless the writer does not want to be unknown. Here is the question:  

What is something you experience as a minority that those not in that group either do not understand or choose to not understand? 

These will be read by ADL members in a video that will air sometime during February. Again, this is anonymous unless someone does not want to be. Statements can be given to Mr. Teare (room 130), Mrs. Crossman (room 104), Mrs. Porter, or to the ADL member that will be in lunches Thursday and Friday.


Jane Timken for Ohio is currently seeking students who are interested in learning more about political, communication, data, and digital strategies. Interns will gain valuable knowledge about the democratic process, political field organization, and become adept political staffers during the May 3rd primary election. Interested?  Contact your school counselor for further information or contact Grant Simm directly at


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